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Rilee Thrives at Home With a New Liver and New Hope

Rilee spent the first months of his life fighting for his life. Now, he can spend the rest of his childhood at home.

He was born eight weeks premature, and although his parents were never given an official diagnosis, he was suffering from severe apnea and couldn’t breathe on his own. He was ventilated, kept in neonatal intensive care, and what should have been a tiny baby’s belly was distended and filled with fluid. Yet, test after test came back negative.

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A battle between his liver and his lungs.

Rilee’s enlarged abdomen and failing liver meant less room for his lungs, and although they should have been growing stronger, they shrunk to half their already diminished capacity. But at the age of 3 months, Rilee received a new liver and new hope.

With a PHS team that includes:

  • a respiratory therapist
  • an infusion nurse
  • a dietitian
  • 24/7 private duty nurses
  • and a host of support staff including an onsite medical director, pharmacists, customer support specialists and more ready to assist around the clock

Today, Rilee is thriving and growing up at home with his family, where he belongs. He no longer needs breathing help from the ventilator and everyone is hopeful for decannulation (removal of the trach) in the future. When that happens, he’ll learn to eat on his own and won’t require g-tube feedings. In other words, his prognosis is great!

Learn more about Rilee on the PHS website here and watch a video of his story as told by his family and PHS care team.

Also be on the look out for Rilee’s TV commercial airing now. We need to let all families know that it’s possible to have safe, quality, all-encompassing care at home. Kids deserve to be at home and Rilee is all the proof we need to show how well they do once they get there! His smile will melt your heart.

Have you seen the commercial airing yet? What do you think? We’d love to hear from you.

Originally published: March 9, 2012