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Reliability of Staffed HCN Hours

Home Care Nursing refers to the skilled nursing care that is provided in a patient’s home in shifts for a predetermined number of hours each week. Children with medical-complexities who need home care nursing services require ongoing treatment and consistent, reliable, safe, quality care. PHS home care nurses are licensed and trained by PHS education and clinical staff in the specialized discipline of caring for young patients at home.

Home Care nursing was added to the broad spectrum of PHS services in 2011 in our Minneapolis office, and then expanded to Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, and Texas to provide patients and their families with more comprehensive care, and make it easier for them to have all their needs met and questions and concerns answered in one place, with a single phone call.

PHS makes every effort to match nurses to patient needs and family dynamics, and then ensure the home care nurse is present when required. In the instance that a nurse calls in and is unable to work a shift, the coordinator looks at other options to get the shift filled. Every effort is made to find another nurse available to work — one who already knows the family and is trained in the patient’s care plan.


PHS added home care nursing to its offerings in 2011 and continues to hire nursing staff to meet the growing demand. We measure the reliability of our home care nurses on an ongoing basis to ensure consistent care by a nurse trained in each individual patient’s care. The reliability of PHS home care nurses remains consistently high.



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Clinical Outcomes

Education (STAR Kit)

The PHS STAR Kit allows caregivers to continually improve their knowledge of equipment use and be prepared to handle emergencies at home.

Customer Service Outcomes