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Integrating Healthcare and Technology – Not for the Faint of Heart

By Pam Clifton, Senior VP of Operations

As Pediatric Home Service prepares to launch online ordering early this winter, we reflect on lessons learned from the MNSure and roll outs.

We’ve implemented processes this past year that we hope will prevent the issues the government implementations encountered. Or to put it another way, “Why is PHS Online Ordering taking so long?”  Because, from the kickoff of this project we have been acutely aware that:

  • _T6K5924PHS Online Ordering would not be simply a medical website nor just a technology project, but rather the integration of healthcare and technology.
  • Communication and access to information between all parties involved in the development of this site would be crucial to our success.
  • Unlike the government sites, where delaying roll out was not an option, we needed to set realistic expectations and allow ourselves flexibility in the timeline, if necessary.
  • Lots of time would be allocated to testing to ensure we provide the best possible product to our families!

We are also very aware that many of you are anxiously awaiting the ability to place your reorders online and we thank you for your patience. For those of you who prefer to speak directly with one of our awesome Patient Service Representatives, that is always an option. The choice is yours!

Originally published: July 25, 2014