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Celebrating the Tubies in Your Life

10922427_878553385519354_8109774560838335027_nIf you follow us on Facebook, you already know that we’ve been celebrating Feeding Tube Awareness Week – seven days of fun dedicated to raising awareness and spreading the word about the impact feeding tubes have on people who rely on this method to receive some or all of their nutrients. We have some of the best dietitians around who are dedicated to ensuring our patients are growing and receiving the nutrition they need (featured in the picture on the right with Dr. Michelle Kennedy).

This week we asked our followers what benefits their child has received from tube feeding, shared a guide on dispelling common myths, heard about tube fed kiddos in 5 words or less, and asked for best tips or tricks for other parents managing feeding tubes. Visit our page to join in on the fun and share the information you’ve learned.

But our favorite (and cutest) part of the week was parents sharing photos of their adorable tubies showing off their coolest accessory. We love that these little buttons help keep kiddos healthy, and had to share the cuteness here.

Feeding Tube Awareness Week_collage

Do you have a tubie in your life? Share their story and a picture in the comments!

Originally published: February 13, 2015