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Exercise Your Right to Vote

Minnesotans are fortunate to live in such a progressive state. Minnesota has been a national leader in providing home and community-based services, recognizing long ago the preferred option of health care at home. While we have several pioneers of this movement in the state legislature, there are many more who are eager to serve and eager to learn. PHS recognizes the importance of state government, and we are an active participant in state legislation and regulation.
  • We meet frequently with state leaders, both at the Capitol and at state agencies.
  • Our top priorities are to educate and advocate for the benefit of home based health care services.
  • We work diligently to prove that homecare is more than just a commodity.

Get involved

  • Think about the programs and services that your  family considers important. Speak with  providers, schools, advocacy groups,  and others that impact you and your family’s  quality of life to hear their concerns and  priorities with the state.
  • Find the candidates running in your district. Ask them about  topics that are important to your family.  Educate these men and women on the  programs that allow your child to thrive  at home and your family to be active in  the community.

Remember, your vote counts

Don’t forget the importance of your  vote right here in Minnesota. The next time a candidate knocks on your door,  help them understand the unique  challenges and amazing opportunities  your family experiences on a daily basis. Ask that candidate what he or she will do  to protect and promote what is important  to you, and what he or she will do to  deserve your vote.
Originally published: October 26, 2012