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A PHS Family’s Story: In-Home Health Care Service

PHS is proud to provide in-home health care service to patients and their families, and always eager to improve services and expand product offerings to better fit their needs.

We were happily surprised when a patient’s father shared his story of the high level of customer service he and his family received from PHS.

“PHS, as an organization, is doing the right things.”

That’s David, parent of former PHS patient Bryan. Last month, just weeks after Bryan passed away at age 15, David graciously shared his family’s story with PHS staff members. See David’s full presentation below or on the PHS YouTube Channel. We appreciate David’s perspective and we are especially grateful to have cared for Bryan and his family.

PHS listens

PHS acutely listens to patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals. This feedback helps us best determine changes, additions and enhancements to services and products. Check out three recent changes we made based on customer input:

  • Extended hours of operation
  • New services based on patients’ families needs
  • More usable education materials

Surveys count

PHS patients and families graciously complete patient satisfaction surveys to provide valuable input.

Of course, if you have a need, idea or suggestion, please share it with your PHS caregiver. We’re eager to improve our care.

The business of customer service

“PHS does not sell ventilators. PHS takes care of kids.”

We couldn’t have said it better, David. Thank you.


Do you have a customer service experience to share (with PHS or any other organization)? What works for you and your family? Do you have tips to share? Anything you’ve suggested that was successfully implemented?

We’d love to hear from you.

Originally published: December 10, 2010