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Happy One Year to our HCN Department

Just over one year ago PHS launched our newest service, Home Care Nursing (HCN). We are excited to look back over the past year at all that has taken place since bringing our first HCN patient home on January 18th, 2011. Allowing children the opportunity to thrive at home with their family while still receiving the highest quality and safest healthcare available to them is what makes us tick. Adding Home Care Nursing to our services has allowed PHS to complete the circle of homecare services for any medically-fragile, technology dependent child and their family.

One phone call can take care of so much. A parent can place a supply order, check on the last lab draw results, troubleshoot any concern with equipment or supplies and schedule the next IV nurse visit, all in one call. The same is true for the healthcare professionals that we partner with daily. One phone call to PHS and we will coordinate all services needed to get a child out of the hospital and to the comfort of their home. Including training the family and any caregivers on all equipment. All the while staying in constant communication with the physician to ensure the everyone always has the latest information.

Here are a few fun facts about the first year of Home Care Nursing at PHS:

  • Number of field nurse assessments (HCN Shift and HCN Seizure)? 9,070!!
  • Number of Patients that have been on HCN service? 37
  • Number of current field nurses? 110
  • Geographically; where is our furthest patient located? Brainerd
  • How many homes have 2 or more patients in the same home? 2

The picture shows our amazing internal HCN staff that keep the ship moving, and although they are not pictured, the incredible 110 field nurses round out the HCN department.  It truly takes a team to take care of the child and we happen to think we’ve come up with a winning team.

We want to take a moment to thank each family that has invited PHS staff into your home and allowed us the opportunity to care for your child. Each one is a blessing and we love partnering with you to keep your children safe, happy and healthy at home- just where they belong.

Originally published: February 3, 2012