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Infinity Food Pump Lithium-Ion Battery Life and Maintenance

We received a question from Jack on our PHS Facebook page requesting information on the battery life of the Infinity Food/infusion Pump. Well, Jack there are a few different answers to that question, and we think we have them all covered here.

Life of a fully-charged battery:

  • PHS Dietitian, Teresa,  RD, LD, CNSC says the battery life is 24 hours when run at 125 mL per hour; this means it may last longer if run at a slower rate or not as long if at a faster rate. The charging time is 6 hours if fully discharged. We usually recommend that the families charge their pump overnight, or if/when they are off the pump.

Overall Lifetime of the battery:

  • Mike, CBET, our Biomedical Department Supervisor has weighed in and said that we typically see the batteries last about 2 years with daily use and good care.
Now you might be asking yourself, “what exactly does good care mean?” We’ve outlined a few tips below to help promote Lithium-Ion battery life for your child’s Infinity Food/Infusion pump.

Battery Freedom and Reliability Requires Good Maintenance

  • When you first receive your pump, check the run time for your child’s infusion or feeding. Just like people, the battery will slow down as it ages. You can use this first run time as a comparison for when the battery begins to slow down with age. (Do this at a time when you won’t need the pump before you have time to fully recharge. For example, don’t drain the battery to get a run time if your child will need the pump at school the next day or if a storm may knock out power.)
  • Regularly check your child’s pump battery and charge status.
  • Avoid storing your pump and battery in excessive heat.
  • Recharge the battery as soon as possible after it’s been completely drained. It’s not necessary to completely drain the lithium-ion battery before recharging in normal daily use.
  • Keep a close eye on batteries as they reach the end of their life (around 2 years) to ensure your child’s feedings and infusions are always successfully completed.
  • Keep in mind that if the battery sits unused for an extended period of time, you will need to check the charge before you use it again and be sure to fully charge the battery for a successful feeding/infusion for your child.
You may want to contact PHS and discuss replacing your battery if:
  • Your pump run time drops below 80% of the first time you ran the pump at the same mL/Hr.
  • The time it takes to charge your pump battery increases drastically.

If you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to call PHS at 651-642-1825 with questions about your pump and battery.

For more information on the Infinity Orange and Teal Pumps take a look at the videos on the PHS YouTube Channel, where our IV Nurse Gail covers common alarms, cleaning the pump, changing the door as well as setting the volume on the pump.
*Note: All tips above refer only to a Lithium-ion battery.
Originally published: September 1, 2011