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John’s Troubleshooting Tip of the Month: Bi-Annual Battery Charging

It’s summer—or so we hope.

The weather has been unpredictable at best. With more storms and power outages sure to come it’s a good time to check the battery life of your equipment. Twice a year you are responsible for making sure all battery units can last the required time needed to run a piece of equipment. As each piece of equipment will vary be sure to check your PHS manual to find out how long each piece of equipment should last.

interacter, battery, charger, recharge

BEFORE recharging ANY battery make sure:

  • Always check the weather report before doing any battery rundowns.
  • Batter case is placed in a well ventilated area and is as far from the battery charger as possible.
  • Battery charger and case are on a stable surface so it cannot tip over.

As always, if you ever have questions about your equipment or  troubleshooting tips don’t hesitate to contact your PHS Respiratory Therapist at 651-642-1825.

John Sheahan, RRT-NPS, LRTJohn Sheahan, RRT-NPS, LRT is a Licensed Respiratory Therapist at PHS and would love to hear from you if you have a tip that you’ve found helps when working with your equipment, or have an idea for a Troubleshooting Tip post. Share your tip or idea through a comment here or an email to John at

Originally published: June 6, 2011