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Know the Nurses: Brittany Minnich

If you have a home care nurse in your home, you already know what an important part of your life they become. Today in Know the Nurses, we’re introducing you to home care nurse Brittany Minnich, RN, who has been with PHS since August 2014. Want to learn more about the home care nursing department and how we train new hires? Check out this post.

We already know these nurses provide comprehensive, round-the-clock care for patients in their homes every day, but here are a few fun facts about Brittany you might not know. 

  1. I graduated in 2014 with my associates RN from Anoka Ramsey Community College in Cambridge and am currently pursuing my BSN through Winona State University – I graduate in May!
  2. I have always enjoyed kids – most often you will find me a room full of kids instead of socializing with adults at gatherings.
  3. IMG_5359_250In high school I wanted to be a teacher because I enjoyed kids so much and liked getting to know them however my real passion was science and healthcare. Obviously I chose the nursing route but when I started at PHS 15 months ago it was the perfect job for me! Not only am I working with kids but I get to know them on a more personal level than most nurses do with their patients and I LOVE THAT about my job!
  4. I’m getting married September 9th, 2016 and can’t wait! But oh the planning that goes into it…
  5. My fiancé and I purchased our first home the same week I started at PHS.
  6. I enjoy always being on the go and frequently hear “will you just sit down and relax” when I’m at home.
  7. I have a weird obsession with turtles – if it has a turtle on it there is a good chance I’ll buy it.
  8. I hate clutter and am a pretty organized person, almost too much sometimes.
  9. IMG_5048_250I was a dancer from ages 3-18 and still enjoy it very much. I also enjoy the outdoors, motorcycle rides and movies.
  10. My perfect date night: Chinese take-out, movie, sweatpants and blankets on the couch. I am a big homebody.
  11. Guilty pleasure: grey’s anatomy and the Bachelor/Bachelorette – I’ve seen every episode and even follow many of them on Instagram.
  12. I’m one of the few people who do not have a Facebook account.
  13. If it wasn’t for my fiancé I would most likely be a crazy dog lady – we have three currently but I would love more 🙂

We love learning more about home care nurses and hearing their stories. Do you know a PHS nurse who you’d like to see highlighted? Leave his or her name here or on our Facebook page and we’ll take it from there! If you’re interested in starting your career with PHS, click here

Originally published: December 9, 2015