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Life with Grace: Meet the Schwertfegers, a NICU Family

Long after a child is off services with PHS, a parent holds memories of rooms filled with equipment, feelings that came with the unknown ahead, and the joy of watching their son or daughter reach milestones. This is no different for the Schwertfeger family,. After having their daughter Grace 16 weeks early, Jennifer and her husband spent months at the NICU before bringing her home for home care. But instead of keeping the memories of their experience with their child Grace to themselves, Jennifer decided to write a book about her daughter to help other families in similar situations.

“It’s a resource for parents of premature babies who experience the NICU and home care, because it is overwhelming,” says Grace’s dad, Michael.“It’s almost like becoming a respiratory therapist or a doctor overnight.”

“The big message is to never give up,” adds Jennifer.

PHS had the opportunity to meet with the whole family (mom, dad, Grace, and her two sisters, Autumn and Faith) earlier this month to hear their story and see how well Grace is doing, years after coming off of service with PHS. Hear what they had to say about their journey, and Jennifer’s new book Life with Grace, in the video below.

Originally published: March 18, 2014