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New Name, Same Great Service

Does your kiddo receive Private Duty Nursing Service (PDNS) from us? If so, you might notice that our staff has started referring to it as Home Care Nursing, or HCN.

What Does This Change Mean?

_T6K0955_FCThis past May, Governor Mark Dayton signed the new name into law and as of July 1, an industry-wide change redefined private duty nursing services as home care nursing services. The new definition in law says, “Home care nursing means ongoing physician-ordered hourly nursing services performed by a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse within the scope of practice as defined by the Minnesota Nurse Practice Act in order to maintain or restore a person’s health.”

This new name clarifies and modernizes the terminology in a way that better reflects the work our in-home nurses do in providing complex patients with cares and services at home on a daily basis.

What Doesn’t This Change Mean?

_T6K0602First and foremost, this doesn’t mean that anything will change for our patients, their families, or the care we provide. Our home care nurses will still provide the most specialized and comprehensive care for your kiddo, and staff will ensure your schedule is managed and nurses are trained extensively. They will still have the support of our services, including respiratory therapy, infusion nursing & pharmacy, nutrition services, mental health & social work, our medical director, the biomedical department, education, and more.

Two Levels of Home Care Nursing

The new law also changes the definitions of the two levels of HCN, with PHS often providing care in the complex level.

_T6K91851. “Complex home care nursing” is now defined as home care nursing services provided to patients who “meet the criteria for regular home care nursing and require life-sustaining interventions to reduce the risk of long-term injury or death.”

2. “Regular home care nursing” is now defined in law as home care nursing services provided to patients because:

a) The patient requires more individual and continuous care than can be provided during a skilled nurse visit; or

b) The cares are outside of the scope of services that can be provided by a home health aide or personal care assistant.

Where Can I Learn More?

PHS is highly involved in legislative efforts that affect our patient’s care. Our Government Relations Counsel, Bill Amberg, spent a great deal of time at the capitol during the past session, and has written about our efforts and reform on the blog in the past. If you have any questions for Bill, you can leave them in the comment section and we will get them answered for you! If you’re interested in reading the provisions of this law, you can find that here.

If you have questions related to home care nursing, feel free to call us at 651-642-1825 and ask for an available HCN staff person.

Originally published: July 8, 2014