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PHS Ranks Sixth Top Mid-Size Workplace and Receives the Ethics Award

Pediatric Home Service has been recognized as one of Minnesota’s Top 100 Workplaces for the second year in a row as part of the Star Tribune’s third annual ranking of large-company workplaces in Minnesota. One of 12 companies to receive additional recognition, PHS also received this year’s Ethics and Values award.

The distinctions come following employee surveys that evaluated the organizational health of more than 311 Minnesota businesses, nonprofits and government agencies. The Star Tribune is one of 30 publishing partners that distribute regional Top Workplace lists through WorkplaceDynamics, an independent research firm specializing in employee engagement and retention.

The Star Tribune asked individuals, employers and employees to nominate Minnesota companies with 50 or more employees by explaining why they are great places to work. The Top Workplace list and additional award winners were generated based on employee surveys from WorkplaceDynamics about company leadership, communication, career opportunities, workplace environment, managerial skills, pay and benefits.

Mark Hamman, president of Pediatric Home Service, said receiving the ethics and values award means a lot to the company. “Ethics has been the foundation of our work since our doors opened in 1990, and it will continue to guide decisions we make operating our business in the years to come. When you do things morally right, you feel good about your accomplishments. At PHS, we all rest easy at night knowing we did the right thing to take care of the child.”

Pediatric Home Service is recognized online at Star Tribune’s website and in a special print section of the Star Tribune for the ethics award. The company also received an online profile at the Top Workplaces website.

The ethics award got us to thinking, what exactly does ethics mean to the PHS staff? Well, we set out to find out. We asked as many employees as were willing (or that we were able to bribe) to be on camera, just what ethics meant to them. As you’ll see it all comes down to one pretty simple idea: just doing the right thing. It’s what guides PHS employees day in and day out, we are here to take care of the child, and we make sure we do it by the book.

Watch the video below to hear from a few PHS employees on what ethics means to them.

Or if you’ have a little extra time, and want to see the extended cut with even more PHS staff, take a peek below.

Thank you to all the willing employees for being on camera, and for voting us a Top 100 MN Workplace AND for the ethics award. You truly are the best-of-the-best!

Originally published: June 19, 2012