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Sharing Care Joins the Fight for Air

On Saturday, February 23rd, ten PHS volunteers climbed 30 flights of stairs at the Accenture Tower in Minneapolis for the American Lung Association Fight for Air Climb. As an event that happens around the country to raise money for improved lung health and lung disease prevention through research, clean air initiatives and educational programs, Sharing Care was happy to get involved in this cause along with over 800 participants across the state.

PHS respiratory therapists use the most advanced technologies every day to help our patients breathe easy at home, and joining alongside organizations like the American Lung Association means supporting the opportunity for everyone to have improved lung health and care.

The event, raising over $240,000, included a firefighter climb which involved fire departments taking on all 30 flights dressed in complete gear with oxygen tanks on their back. We were pretty impressed, since our team thought getting up all 660 stairs was pretty difficult without any of the additional accessories. But mostly, we were proud to go above and beyond our fundraising goal and see so many other people coming to support this cause.

Originally published: February 28, 2013