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Take Me Out to the Ballgame With the West Metro Miracle League

Each summer PHS employees look forward to getting outdoors and playing baseball with the kids on The West Metro Miracle League teams through our volunteer program, Sharing Care. The Miracle League is a charitable organization that provides super special children ages 3-19, with any cognitive and/or physical challenges an opportunity to play baseball.  They play on a very special rubber field with flat bases to accommodate power/push wheelchairs and walkers to ensure not child is left out of the action. You might be saying to yourself “Well this just sounds like too much fun, are there any rules?” Good question, and to that point, here are the “rules”:

  • Everyone hits
  • Everyone gets on base
  • Everyone crosses home plate
  • Everyone wins
  • Everyone can be paired with a 1:1 volunteer buddy (that’s where PHS volunteers come into play)
  • Everyone, including buddies, gets a treat ticket after each game to go to the concession stand (YESSS!)
  • Everyone gets a medal at the end of the year

All of those “rules” really just equal everyone having a whole lot of fun! PHS wants to thank the Miracle League for all they do in helping these kids feel a part of the team, we’re blessed to be able to be a part of the fun.

Do you have any volunteer ideas for Sharing Care? Let us know, we’d love to hear from you!


Originally published: July 1, 2011