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This Guy Right Here, Loves Me!

It’s time for a little Friday fun. The MN government may be close to coming to a budget agreement, (which would end the state shutdown), it’s summertime, and to top it all off, it’s almost the weekend.

For all of those reasons, we wanted to share a clip from one of our patients Maddie, she is enlightening PHS infusion nurse Karletta on her love life. It’s really too cute not to share. Enjoy everyone and have a fantastic weekend.

Do you have any fun clips or photos of your kids, just being kids? If so, send them our way. We’d love to feature them in our newsletter or on the blog. It’s the truth that PHS kids THRIVE in the home and we love sharing those stories. Send pictures or video clips to or post them to our Facebook page.

Originally published: July 15, 2011