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You searched for: “tracheostomy”

Hospital2Home Conference Helps Educate

...for parents with technology dependent children prior to discharge, and outpatient management of the tracheostomy-dependent child, as well as an introduction to pediatric pain and palliative care in children. Evaluations...

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Respiratory Therapy & Equipment

...assist Oxygen equipment Monitoring equipment Respiratory diagnostic equipment Pulse oximeter Airway clearance systems Wound care supplies Disposable respiratory products Tracheostomy supplies Enteral nutrition: with the region’s largest supply of formula...

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Federal Legislation

...and develop at home with his tracheostomy and ventilator. His needs, and the needs of other medically complex children, are best met by a pediatric care team that specializes in...

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Advanced Mobility Equipment

...of any age with pediatric-onset conditions Coordinated comprehensive care • Ventilators • Tracheostomy • Clinical nutrition • Other respiratory support • Incontinence   Not sure where to start? Fill out...

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